18 Jul 2023

2-day workshop on global perspectives on platforms, emerging technologies, and the news industry

Join us for an insightful and thought-provoking workshop on July 18th and 19th where we will explore the intersection of platforms, emerging technologies, and the news industry from a global perspective.

This event will bring together leading experts in the field who will shed light on the methodologies to study platforms, technologies, and marginalized communities. They will also discuss challenges and opportunities presented by platforms and emerging technologies in shaping the news industry and society, particularly marginalized communities. Through their research and expertise, they will delve into topics such as artificial intelligence, disinformation, digital media, and the role of platforms in society. AlgoSoc member Professor Tobias Blanke from Human(e) AI will open the workshop.

Keynote Speakers

Prof. Payal Arora (Erasmus University Rotterdam)
Prof. Bruce Mutsvairo (Utrecht University)
Prof. Thomas Poell (University of Amsterdam)
Dr. Amanda Alencar (Erasmus University Rotterdam)

Opening Address

Prof. Tobias Blanke (University of Amsterdam)

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