Projects /

Projects /

Justice / Governance

Operationalising human oversight of AI-supported judicial decision-making: A systemic perspective

Media / Values

Transforming democratic values in algorithmic media

Health / Ecology

Algorithmisation and transformation of work of academic medical professionals

Justice / Values

Smarter means, changing values: How the local, governmental implementation of data-driven technologies leads to technomoral change

Health / Governance

Methods for the development, implementation, and assessment of clinical decision support systems

Justice / Effects

Rules, tools and metrics – the social construction of legitimate algorithmization

Media / Ecology

The bright side and dark side of emerging technologies in the media industry

Justice / Ecology

How automation is changing asylum decision-making and contestation in the Netherlands and EU

Health / Ecology

New players in algorithmic decision systems-based services in healthcare

Justice / Ecology

Ecology of programmable infrastructures in the context of the administration of justice

Justice / Ecology

Automated Decision-making in Healthcare: Making and Contesting the Rules

Health / Governance

Safety and quality control of algorithmic systems in clinical decision making

Justice / Governance

Towards an integrated regulatory approach of the use of Automated Decision-Making systems in the public sector

Media / Governance

The emerging regulatory framework for algorithmic decision making in the media

Justice / Governance

Reconciling legal and technical approaches to reasoned and contestable administrative algorithmic decision-making

Media / Effects

Sharing the news

Health / Values

Public values in an mHealth world

Health / Effects

The consequences of mHealth on well-being

Media / Ecology

Stop the presses: The politics of digital infrastructure in European news media

Media / Effects

AI, ads, and attention: The role of algorithms in political content exposure

Justice / Values

Public values for citizen’s access to justice: How automated decision-making systems challenge the values underpinning fundamental rights and the way to preserve them

Health / Effects

Effective AI-based shared decision-making in healthcare

Media / Effects

The effects of algorithmic gatekeeping on individuals’ political efficacy

Media / Values

Exploring implicit value frames in media through natural language processing

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