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Registration AlgoSoc International Conference 2025 is now open
We are excited to announce that registration for AlgoSoc’s international conference The Future of...
From infrastructural power to redistribution: How the EU’s digital agenda cements securitization and computational infrastructures (and how we build otherwise)
In 2024, the European Union sits at the axis of vast power shifts: rising far-right influence,...
Good administration in a digital environment: Towards a right to algorithmic decision-making?
The Directorate of Constitutional Affairs and Legislation of the Ministry of the Interior and...
Plea for the introduction of a 'monitorial power'
The Directorate of Constitutional Affairs and Legislation of the Ministry of the Interior and...
Caught between grand ambitions and small print: The AI Act and the use of GenAI in elections
How will generative AI affect elections? On the evening of the European Parliament elections, the...
Emerging generational fault lines in public opinion on Artificial Intelligence
Since 2022, there has been a lot of attention to generative artificial intelligence (AI),...
Sustainability in the digital world
Prof. José van Dijck has been a Distinguished University Professor of Media and Digital Society...
‘AI Act als bodem, ethiek als plafond’
Op 2 april 2024 namen AlgoSoc hoofdonderzoekers Natali Helberger, universiteitshoogleraar Recht...
Navigating the rapid technological evolution is one of the key challenges for AlgoSoc
Professor Dhavan Shah, McLeod Professor of Communication Research and Louis A. and Mary E....
On the importance of a more diverse and inclusive tech sector
On the occasion of her nomination as one of the "100 Brilliant Women in AI Ethics", we...
Een wildgroei aan ongereguleerde AI- toepassingen
De Europese AI-wet stelt teleur, schrijven José van Dijck, Natali Helberger en Corien Prins, want...
Observe, inspect, modify: Three conditions for generative AI governance
In a world increasingly shaped by generative AI systems like ChatGPT, the absence of benchmarks...
How’s life? About the role of public values on well-being in an AI-dominated world
Keynote delivered by Prof. Corien Prins, Professor of Law and Informatization at Tilburg...
‘Safety Washing’ at the AI Safety Summit
Earlier this month (November 1-2, 2023), tech companies and world leaders gathered at Bletchley...
AlgoSoc PI José van Dijck adviseert de overheid over regulering ChatGPT en andere generatieve AI
Overal ter wereld staan overheden voor de uitdagingen die kunstmatige intelligentie (AI)...
What kind of algorithmic society do we want to strive for?
Algorithmic decision-systems are increasingly central to our lives. In some situations they even...
Leveraging the potential of AI while promoting social and economic welfare for all
Algorithmic decision-systems are increasingly central to our lives. In some situations they even...
Foundation models and the privatization of public knowledge
To protect the integrity of knowledge production, the training procedures of foundation models...
'AI-industrie strooit zand in onze ogen'
De discussie over de gevaren van artificiële intelligentie (AI) wordt gekaapt door de...
Idealisme van OpenAI lijkt niet meer dan een luchtballon
Nu de hype rondom ChatGPT en Dall-E luwt, wordt het tijd om licht te schijnen op het gedachtegoed...
AI vraagt om veel meer dan het indrukken van een pauzeknop
Doemscenario's over AI zijn veelal ongefundeerd, schrijft AlgoSoc co-PI Corien Prins samen met...
Masterclass ChatGPT
AlgoSoc PI José van Dijck, hoogleraar Media en Digitale Samenleving aan Universiteit Utrecht, gaf...
AI vraagt ook bestuurlijke intelligentie
Hoe zorgen we dat onze instituties de technologie weer kunnen bijbenen? Volgens José van Dijck...
Hoe weet je of een kennisbron als ChatGPT deugt?
De werkwijze van AI-kennissystemen (zoals ChatGPT) moet transparant en controleerbaar zijn. Dit...